Fyi, one should never EVER have Cheetos in the house when one is having a pity party! Just sayin. I'm over it now, but the Cheeto guilt lasts for days.
Yesterday our Sunday school class took personality profile tests. Your answers determine into which of four categories you are grouped: sanguine, choleric, melancholy, and phlegmatic. I looked up the true definitions of the words because they all sound so appealing! In case you were wondering, sanguine means cheerful, passionate, related to blood. Choleric is bad tempered, melancholy means gloomy or depressed, and phlegmatic means "having a sluggish temperament." Which one do you root for? I mean, 3/4 of them sound like pretty crummy people to be around. So what are the odds that both my spouse and I could wind up in the "sanguine" category and have proof on paper of our wonderful personalities? Apparently not good. We did initially score exactly the same in 3 of the 4 categories. We both had 9 points for sanguine, 13 for choleric, and 11 for melancholy. We also both got hardly any points in the phlegmatic category. Notice how I said "initially?" That's because I was so shocked that we are so much alike that I looked at all his answers and made him change a couple of them. That's further proof of my bad tempered personality I guess. In truth, the cholerics are the type who like to be in control, are outspoken, and stubborn. I SO hate having to claim those traits!
It explains so much about our relationship. We are both headstrong, determined to be right, unsympathetic (to an extent), and controlling. If you don't know us, I bet you're wishing you did now! People always say opposites attract, and Brent and I are in SOME ways, but apparently fewer than I realized. The upside to finding out you married your opposite sex mirror image is that I know the fun, good things I love so much about Brent are somewhere inside me as well. He helps to bring out the fun side of me, and hopefully I help to bring out his compassionate side. I also hope we've used up the family allotment of stubborn and bossy so there's none left for our children. How blessed it would be for them (and their eventual mates) if they become cheerful, considerate peacemakers. However, I have met all three of them, and it would seem that the apples have not fallen far from their parental trees. It would be good to start a prayer chain for the ones who would marry them one day.