I don't want to answer that question because I know for a fact that the child currently humming the world's most annoying tune in my ear is indeed smarter than I am! I've already shared how he tried to out-smart me with his bird v. snake logic. He's not that bright all the time though because he was typing the following essay when he was supposed to be cleaning the living room, so he missed out on the reward of swimming. He also has yet to figure out that humming in weird alien voices in my ear is not the right way to entertain me. Nonetheless, here's his essay:
Bunnies and dogs are not the same.
Bunnies are fun.
Bunnies are nice.
Nice people get nice things.
Black people back in the old time they dint get there way. Bob glob. I once went to the park and I plade.
We might not show this to the school counselor just in case she wants to have him tested for ADD. Also, we were blissfully unaware that he even knew there were varieties of skin colors until just now. Last fall I was trying to ask him the name of the boy at school who wanted to have a play date, but my description fell short and my son didn't have any idea which child to whom I was referring. I finally said, "there's one boy in your class with very dark brown skin who wants to know if you can come over to play. Who is he?" My son's reply was so blind and perfect, "Mom, everyone in my class has exactly the same skin as me, so I have no idea what boy you mean! I guess I can thank public education for opening his eyes and ruining his innocence.
Some kids are just to clever for their age!