Tuesday, September 14, 2010

For the past several weeks, my youngest has been fixated on watching the same movie over and over. If you read my facebook statuses, you know what it is, and if not, I will start at the beginning of the movie and recite lines until you guess it. Just kidding. It's Monsters Inc. Or to my two year old, "Monkers Inc." It getting really old. And it's not like all we do it sit around watching movies, but if we're in the house, he is either begging watch it or sweet talking someone into turning on the DVD player for him.
I realized this afternoon that he's not alone in his old man rut. My oldest is getting painfully predictable at asking me the same question at least 20 times a day...to go see if the neighbor boy can play. If I say no, then I get to hear it asked in more creative ways. And my daughter, well you can bet that if I choose her outfit or fix her hair, I will be a complete idiot and do it all wrong. I don't expect that one to change much over the next decade (and a half!) The dog's not even mixing it up anymore! At least they're all consistent, right?
There are some perks to consistency. The Bible says says that Jesus is the same now as he has always been and will ever be. That's my paraphrase of Heb. 13:8 It's good to know that my God of the Bible who healed and loved broken people is the same God of 2010, healing and loving people. It gives me peace as I'm cleaning the carpet and folding the laundry just like I do alllllll the time that He is watching over me and taking care of me just like he does all the time. I wonder if it ever gets old for Him like it does for me? I don't know, if taking care of me is to God what Monsters Inc is to my kid, then I have nothing to worry about!

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