Raising a family is not for the weak and weary, but you will become that way as a result! Enjoy reading the stories of our chaotic life. Then laugh for a moment and thank God that you don't live at our house!
Monday, December 27, 2010
Sugar Detox is Just as Fun as it Sounds!
Friday, December 17, 2010
I grew up in a virtual menagerie. (That would be a collection of animals for anyone who flunked SAT vocab and thought that word meant something naughty) At any given time, our family's back yard was filled with exotic pheasants, rheas (they're like ostriches), rabbits, chinchillas, tortoises, an opossum named Pansy, and sometimes, even a cat or dog. What I learned from that time in my life is that animals stink, they're noisy, and they're expensive.
Once in high school, my dad brought my grandmother and I a pair of finches. (tiny birds that don't do anything entertaining) She liked looking at them, but I was in charge of caring for them. It's important to note that he didn't live with us and broke the cardinal rule of gift giving. I didn't have the heart to tell my dad that I didn't want anything to do with the little birds. That was my first mistake! Eventually I forgot to feed and water them, and did you know that finches can only go about a day without eating? You can test this if you want. I killed a bird. My father who loves me and didn't want the lone finch to be sad brought me a new one to replace the one that "mysteriously" died. They had an egg, made a family, and one by one, they all suffered the same fate. I forgot to feed them! I have to confess though that I blamed second hand cigarette smoke on their deaths, and this is the first time I am openly admitting my role in their demise.
Skip ahead a decade and a half(ish). My 7 year old bought a betta fish with his own money a while back, but wouldn't you know it, I am the primary care giver of said fish. My husband wouldn't allow the fish to live in the kid's room, which was good for the fish. On the other hand, it's on the window sill in my kitchen where I see the dirty water and attend to it, and our child has learned nothing about fish maintenance.
That's what happened two days ago when I almost committed another act of petocide (not on the SAT b/c I made it up, but I bet you know what it means). I was going to pour some of the gross fish water down the drain and refresh the bowl, but I poured the fish out with the water. Right into the disposal. Having just poured out the water, I had to pause and refill the container before my rescue mission could commence. Thankfully, I was able to gently fish him out and get him back in the bowl alive. The poor little guy was not looking good for a while, and I was sure he wouldn't make it, but I am pleased to report that he is just fine today.
Let this serve as a cautionary tale to anyone considering buying their kid a pet for Christmas. What are you willing to commit to the pet because it will be all yours! How often do you think you'll remember to feed it? Reptiles can go much longer without eating in case you're wondering.
Monday, December 6, 2010
Please Santa, Bring Super Glue
I'm borrowing most of this from an article I wrote for something else last week, but since it's mine, I guess I am allowed. After all, it's relevant to the season, and as I am just about to super glue this pitiful victim back together, I need to vent, or re-vent about the pitfalls of decorating with kids.
Tonight while we were intensely driving wire stakes into the rock hard ground and carefully removing busted bulbs from their sockets (swearing under my breath when I trip and squash yet another bulb), a silver Christmas ball bounced off the porch and rolled down the sidewalk. It had fallen off the wreath on the door after the children had opened it and shut it for about the 90th time to see if we were done yet. At least it bounced instead of shattered.
We have a designated spot that we call the “ornament hospital” where I keep super glue handy for repairs. I’m pretty sure we have more ornaments on our tree that have been glued back together than ones that have yet to need glue. It's gotten so bad that next year I think we may wrap the whole tree in bubble wrap. Wait, then all I'll hear for weeks in popping. Never mind.
We even have a wise man that had to have his hand reattached after an unfortunate incident where the nativity set was tossed out of the attic. Don’t ask, we don’t like to talk about it.
It’s not so bad to have to a house full of repaired Christmas decorations though as long as I refrain from gluing my fingers together in the process. Sadly though, I seem to do it every time. Besides, House Beautiful is unlikely to come photograph my holiday décor. If they did though, the saggy gingerbread house would be a must see. It was the messiest thing to make, and I will still be sweeping up sprinkles in a month, but my kids are so proud of their little house. It doesn’t matter to them one bit that the roof slid halfway off, the door is crooked, and they got more icing on the table than on the house. They loved making it, and the memories they will have of fun Christmas traditions will mean so much more to them as they grow up than having a perfectly decorated home. Who cares if a Lego man has to stand in for our missing Baby Jesus? This reminds me, I still need retrieve a shepherd from above the cabinets where he was launched last year.
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Are you not supposed to wash your cell phone?
Friday, November 12, 2010
Please Don't Call Me Narrow-Minded and Intolerant
Monday, November 8, 2010
My two year old is having his first sleepover at Grannie's house tonight, and I am so thrilled! The dog hasn't figured out where the baby is, and when we came in from eating outside earlier, she whimpered a little and kept looking inside the tent we had played in. I assume she thinks we left him outside, although he had gone with Grannie before that.
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
"Depend on the rabbit's foot if you will, but remember it didn't work for the rabbit"-R.E. Shay
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
How to Kill Your Grass
A couple of weeks ago I discovered a huge fire ant mound in the yard. First I sprayed it with Raid and when it didn't work, I googled "how to kill fire ants." It said I needed to dig up the mound, destroy the nursery, and poison the whole thing. Well I found something more powerful than the Raid and thought I did all of that. The little dead ant carcasses all over the sidewalk were convincing evidence, but several days later, though the grass was completely dead on that area, and new little mounds started popping up all over the yard. I don't seem to have any luck getting the weed killer to kill weeds, but since the bug killer completely annihilated the grass, maybe I should use weed killer on the ants and see what happens. It has been a constant battle of me against the army of fire ants.
Monday, October 11, 2010
Home Alone
Friday, October 8, 2010
true story
All in all, I was worried about nothing. I will not, however, be signing up to do it again anytime soon. If they start using the same method to screen for testicular cancer though, I will happily sit in the waiting room just to watch the patients faces as they leave. Happy Breast Cancer Awareness Month!
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
If anyone reading this knew my dad, you may find it ironic to note that I do not like birds. They're not creepy really, except for those massive flocks that move like a black cloud with one mind; I just don't want them eating my vegetation, pooping on my stuff, or making noise. I don't buy birdseed because it would attract birds, and I can't see why I'd want to do that.
when I grow up I want to be young again
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Investment Returns and Heart Surgery
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Open Season on Smoke Alarms
[checking them regularly in the light of day. You won't be able to sleep through it no matter how hard you try. But you will still try because the alternative is scrounging for a battery, and if you come up empty handed, you have to find the right drawer to muffle the sound of the chirp until the battery stores open in the morning.
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Just because you don't go to Hell for wearing ugly shoes, it doesn't mean you should!

Last week my honey had to go to New York for business, so I tagged along. After all, I had to go to visit the great shoe Mecca. It’s part of my 2nd religion. (the first being Christianity, and the second being staunch Shoeology) Which reminds me, I bought a decent looking pair of low heel sandals to wear walking in Manhattan because (per a previous blog entry) I read New Yorkers don’t wear flip flops or sneakers. Incidentally, either I never saw a real New Yorker-entirely possible-or they really do wear the same type of shoes as me! So back to the sandals, they’re slightly more functional than attractive, and after the sitter made fun of my granny shoes, they got left behind. After all, being a born-again Shoeologist, I couldn’t risk going to hell for wearing ugly shoes, could I?
Vanity has a price though, and I paid mine when I decided to wear lovely kitten heel strappy sandals to walk in Manhattan, my feet developed the largest blisters I’ve ever seen on about 6 places. At this point, I was already walked too far from the hotel to think about going back for my flip flops, so I admitted defeat in Macy’s and bought a 2nd pair of slightly uncute, practical shoes. Then I hid behind a stack of comforters in the bedding section, plastered my injured feet in band-aids and donned granny shoes #2. The damage had been done, however, and I had to cover my feet in moleskin patches and wear good ole sock and tennies after that.
Warning: the adhesive on moleskin will roll, stick to your shoes, and rip the thin, delicate skin right off your blisters. Then the moisture from popped blister will seep, further removing the moleskin and subjecting blistered foot to full-on fiery pain.
It was in this pitiful state that I found myself (strategically placed myself to be more honest) in a situation where Christian Louboutins and Jimmy Choos were surrounding me, begging to be tried on. If you find yourself unfamiliar with either of these names, you are clearly not a Shoeologist, and if you haven’t lost interest in reading by now, you may as well Google them. I will save you the embarrassing details now, but refer to previous paragraph for a clear mental image of my feet.
I found a lovely, no, magnificent pair of heels that were dying to see Texas, and being the compassionate sole, I mean soul that I am, I affectionately made the purchase. Sadly, I was unable to force my injured feet into them when we went to a Broadway show, and I wound up wearing my little black dress with $10 Target Flippies. I attempted to wear some sexy red strappy heels (placed carefully over the bandages) at first, and toted the flip flops in my huge mama purse just in case, but I promptly made the switch when the pain became too much to bear. My evening clutch remained untouched in my suitcase along with the perfect shoes that Cinderella’s glass slipper couldn’t even touch! I soon as the swelling goes down though, I plan to live in my souvenir shoes...until I save enough money to buy them some strappy friends. It's not vanity if it's true love.
ps. I really love my Lord Jesus and my dear family more than lovely shoes for the record. But don't tell my shoes that.
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
how I spent my summer vacation
In the pool, in the car, and in planes. I guess technically that was only a fraction of my summer, but that’s it in a nutshell, and my beloved always asks me for the short version.
I spent today flying back from New York, and it wasn't one of my better plane trips. There were no crashes, and I didn't get sick, so it could have been much worse, but all I could think of while I was sitting in the flying day care- where there were babies as far as the eye can see. Actually, as far as the ear can hear- was how my beloved has gotten bumped to first class a number of times, and it has yet to happen to me. I left Manhattan extra early this morning to account for traffic and lines at the airport. There were neither lines nor traffic, so I had 2 hours to kill in the airport before boarding. We made up for my easy arrival on tarmac where we waited in line for 25 minutes for our turn on the runway. About 1 minute into the wait, the newborn in the seat next to me began wailing. When he finally gave it up about an hour later, the infant a few rows ahead picked up the slack. I want to know who handed out the sign up sheet for the babies to pick a time slot because it was constant crying in even rotations. I usually feel bad for the parents, but I also usually have headphones to minimize my discomfort, and this time I had accidentally packed them in my checked bag. I had also given up my isle seat to the couple beside me with the infant and long-legged father, and going to the bathroom now seemed an impossible feat. My full bladder made me less sympathetic to the wailers' parents.
Eventually, I did have to go to the bathroom, and it was like a 4-member Olympic team scrambling to beat the drink cart. We all had to hobble out of the row (baby too), hobble back in as the flight attendants brought the cart by, and play musical chairs in order to get back out again. When I came back to my seat, the mother was changing a diaper in it.
Then there was the child behind me who got airsick. Oh yes. The smell of vomit infected my nostrils at the exact moment the attendants began handing out microwaved cheeseburgers. I won't even describe that delectable treat. Finally we landed, and I sprinted through George Bush Intl in order to catch my connecting flight.
The second flight was less eventful, but there was a boy about 10 in front of me laying across 2 seats listening to his ipod without headphones. High pitched Indian music whined the same rhythm for an hour and a half. This kid also ordered coffee from the flight attendant with lots of sugar. Apparently the sugar/caffeine ratio made the kid deaf because the music continued to get louder as the flight progressed. I thought the guy next to me was going to beat the kid, and if we had landed 5 minutes later, I might have done it myself. I've never been so glad to run to my car full of my own screaming, smelly kids in all my life. It's good to be home.
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
How to get noticed in the big city

I just read a book about a family in LA in the film industry. It poked fun at mid-westerners in their LL Bean clothing and stick-up-the-butt protestant values. I didn't say it was a great book. While I'm not technically from the mid-west, and the only thing I own from LL Bean is a diaper bag, it made me feel self-conscious about how well I fit the stereotype of the housewife with 3 kids in the perpetual ponytail and tennis shoes. I don't know if I own any single piece in my wardrobe that cost over $75! I guess the only reason I didn't stick out in California is because everywhere we went was nothing but tourists. We looked fine to each other!
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
All My Kids Are Going Back to School!!!
In 20 days, I will finally be able to go to the bathroom by myself! at least during the hours of 9 and 2:30 on Tuesdays and Thursdays. This morning as two little heads peered in to see where I'd disappeared to and one waited to flush for me, I was seriously trying to figure out how I could avoid going altogether except on those precious 5 and 1/2 hours on Tues/Thurs. I know you're thinking, why don't you just lock the door? I do when I remember to use the only bathroom in this place that actually has a working lock. That's about a 15 second deterrent though because the oldest can pick the lock, the middle child is loud enough as she bangs on the door and screams that it's more peaceful to acquiesce, and the little guy pokes things under the door at my feet.
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Jack Johnson is a wizard!
Monday, June 21, 2010
Arizona stinks!
Sunday, June 20, 2010
family vacations not for the faint of heart
Monday, June 14, 2010
now I know why Rapunzel was really locked up!
If you have been blessed with a daughter, then heed this as a cautionary tale. This weekend I was cleaning the pool while Kailyn was entertaining me with a wild story about her boyfriend Jake. They're both fifteen (although I birthed her 4 years ago), and they have to live together and take care of each other because neither of them have parents. All they do is swim all day and cook dinner together. And he's REALLY cute! Then she told me she has another boyfriend named Flynn Colton, but she only needs one boyfriend to get married, so she's going to get rid of Flynn.
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Hot! Hot! Hot!
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Rowing our boat

This week was my oldest's kindergarten graduation, and after it was over, we were "encouraged" to take our students and spend a fun day with them. I did NOT want to be that parent who leaves her kid at school while all but one other kid get to go home at 9:45. First of all, my son would never let me forget it, but his teacher might not either. Far be it from me to be the one to jip a kindergarten teacher out of a day off!
Monday, May 17, 2010
Monday, May 10, 2010
An Erma Bombeck Mother's Day
"Later in the day, after you have decided it's easier to move to a new house than clean the kitchen, you return to your bed where, if you're wise, you'll reflect on this day. For the first time, your children have given instead of received. They have offered up to you the sincerest form of flattery: trying to emulate what you do for them."
My special day actually came early when my gift from my favorite store arrived via UPS. I love that my husband gets that about me! Then Saturday I wanted to do a nice thing for my family by making my favorite meal (and one of my mom's faves too) that night so it would be ready to eat after church on Sunday. It was a great idea in theory, and when I fell into bed at 1:45 a.m., I felt really proud of my accomplishment. I had even cleaned up my mess and taped a sign to the door reminding me to put the meatloaf in the oven before leaving the house. Except that our church has a lovely Mother's Day tradition called "Mommies and Muffins" that requires harried families to get to church 30 minutes earlier than usual so the mothers can dine with their children in their Sunday best. It's really quite sweet to get your picture taken as a family and all, but while the dads drop their families at the door and make a Starbucks run, moms get to corral youngsters in a dog and pony show that resembles to torture for a mother of three.
My 6 yr old served himself and sat very nicely next to me inhaling 3 chocolate muffins and several creme-filled danishes. Thankfully, the sugar high didn't kick in until after I dropped him off with his Sunday school teachers. The 4 yr old didn't find anything at all that she would eat, including strawberries. Every other day of the year she loves them, but suddenly this time, strawberries were gross! The 2 yr old was happy to get to sit in a big kid chair and use a real plastic fork...to mutilate his muffin, but not to eat a single bite. He then proceeded to run around the room shrieking and enticing his sister into a game of chase. Women in heels carrying plates of food are less than impressed with this game when it causes them to dodge small children without falling on their butts. A sweet friend and fellow chaos keeper told me afterward that we should petition to have "Donuts with Dads" moved to Mother's Day and all us moms would get coffee together next year.
We managed to survive "Mommies and Muffins" as well as get through service with a wiggly, temperamental, HUNGRY drama queen, and I was really looking forward to my well-planned meal just minutes away. That is until my husband asked me as we pulled into the drive, "How did you set the oven timer?" Crap! In our rush to get out the door, I never saw my sign! I blew up at my husband and had a major meltdown over the lunch we wouldn't get to eat, and I single-handedly ruined my own Mother's Day by acting like a baby.
My dearest quickly came to my rescue by grilling chicken, and my wonderful mother was just happy to have the time with her grandbabies. All turned out fine in the end, but my inflexibility and disappointment were a lesson to my kids, I'm sure. I am very blessed to be the mom of three of the funniest, sweetest, cutest kids in the world. I have the gift of a godly man who takes very good care of me, and I am the daughter of a godly woman who lives close by. Life is good...even without meatloaf!
Friday, May 7, 2010
Saturday, May 1, 2010

Embarrassing moments are usually really funny to people who didn't live the embarrassment, so I thought I'd share one of mine in hopes that as you laugh, it will help me laugh about it too.
Monday, April 26, 2010
Don't mind me, I'm just on my high horse
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
The Monkey in the Middle
I just realized this title follows my blog about my phobia of chimps, and while the pun was unintentional, it's not without merit. My 4 year old daughter is sandwiched between two boys, and she is the light in our family. She's loving and adorable and unbearably funny. Just now her older brother was mixing an "experiment" that looked completely gross. So K says, "Collin's vulgar. He made vomit." Well said, Little One! The offhanded remarks she makes throughout the day keep me with a constant supply of amusing facebook statuses. Like her take on the new dress I wore to church last week. She told me, "You should NOT wear that! It makes you look married!" I guess I'll keep that in mind if I go out trolling for guys and try not to wear that dress.
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
not long ago I had a dream that while I was cuddling my youngest, he morphed into a chimp. He was still cuddly, but I was terrified he would rip my face off, and I woke up in a sweat. Don't even want to know what that means in the psych realm. Now though we're watching an old sitcom with a chimp as a house guest, and I find myself again terrified that someone's going to lose an eye or something. One bad chimp on the news and I have a new phobia!
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Are you smarter than a 6 year old?

I don't want to answer that question because I know for a fact that the child currently humming the world's most annoying tune in my ear is indeed smarter than I am! I've already shared how he tried to out-smart me with his bird v. snake logic. He's not that bright all the time though because he was typing the following essay when he was supposed to be cleaning the living room, so he missed out on the reward of swimming. He also has yet to figure out that humming in weird alien voices in my ear is not the right way to entertain me. Nonetheless, here's his essay:
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Exorcist mom and the Easter Bunny
My kids are filling their own Easter eggs right now while they hurl mock insults at each other. "Take your snoogy nose and you stinky mouth and get out of here!" I'd intervene, but they're laughing hysterically, and that's such a nice sound. I was laughing earlier when the 6 year old told me, "me and my friend Ryan toot together at school." (sorry, Ryan's mom) "You what?!" "We toot. You know...[makes armpit noises] We're trying to make up our own language of toots. That would be so cool to just [armpit fart] for hi and [double pit fart] for bye."
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
mail me to Macy's
Saturday, March 20, 2010
I bet they get it from their dad
My children are insanely funny. And smart, and a little weird...in a good way. They like to play Rock Band on the Wii, and they'll play with the instruments and pretend to be in a band even when it's not hooked up. Yesterday my 2 yr old was playing drums and singing back up to my 4 yr old daughter singing, "It's your fau-alt. And your fau-alt. It's everyone's fault but mine!" And when she was done, she introduced me to her stuff animal friend Pinkalicious. What could she possible be watching on TV that would plant that in her mind?! Dora???