Wednesday, March 10, 2010


Pop quiz: if a mom pushing a double stroller with 63 lbs. of babies on board walks/jogs to and from the gym in 30 mph winds and the gym is 0.7 mi from her house, how long will it take for that mother to pass out?
I was blissfully unaware of the wind when we left this morning until we had walked far enough to no longer be protected by the houses all around. By then the kids were excited, and I was hoping to exorcise (yeah, like demons) the brownies I scarfed yesterday. I did not anticipate the treadmill effect of walking head on into gale force winds!
I thought that by pushing the stroller to and from the gym rather than driving there, I would get an EXTRA workout. Not so. Instead I managed to convince myself once seated on a weight machine that I had really already gotten a good leg workout on the way, and I really ought to save my strength for the walk home. I need to work on my discipline. I want to be strong and fit, but it's so much more fun to be still and eat brownies! Besides, I carry a 26 lb. toddler around all the time, so how much stronger do I need to be? Right? Except in Hebrews 12 Paul talks about the benefits of discipline and says, "no discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful." I get that part! "Later on, however, it produces a harvest of peace and righteousness for those who have been trained by it." (12:12) I realize he's not talking about working out here, but it's convicting to me that if I'm lazy in my physical fitness, my spiritual fitness can't be much better.
It's so much easier for kids to stay fit. Yesterday my 6 year old and 2 preschoolers pulled out the old mini trampoline circa 1985 and had a blast bouncing on it in the yard, aside from all three of them trying unsuccessfully to jump at the same time. I'm pretty sure they know that actual trampolines are much larger and way more entertaining, but those won't fit under the bed when not in use, so I'm not putting any ideas in their heads! Anyway, they were a little disappointed yesterday that Mommy wouldn't jump with them. I had to admit the truth that Mommy has given birth a few times, and sometimes her allergies act up outdoors. Thus, it's not safe for her to jump just in case she sneezes. But that is a fitness tale of an entirely different color.

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