We kicked off Spring Break with a sunny Saturday spent in the pool and cooking out. Carter learned a new word too, so it was extra special. FYI, if my almost two year old says to you, "Look! Boobies!" He's really just excited to see birds. "Birdies." That could get confusing in some settings.
I have a kid and husband with sunburns from Sat, but today is rainy and cold, and it's hard to believe that 48 hours ago we were celebrating summer.
It's been an interesting day. We went to the Science Spectrum (a science museum for kids) and to lunch with friends where my baby ate another child's leftover lunch. Less gross somehow than what the 4 year old did at school last week though-she and her friends found, yes, FOUND a pacifier and took turns sucking on it pretending to be babies. Anyway! I learned on the way home that the loaner car from the body shop that I started driving today while my SUV gets repaired has poor brakes. Why is it that this lesson must always be learned as you're sliding through an intersection? If that wasn't enough excitement for one day, Kailyn (4 yr old) told her little brother, "I love you, Baby, but get out of my face." That can only mean we're in for a week of sibling love/hate. I have already told Brent that the next child who tattles is going to be put up for adoption and the child who causes it will be donated to a zoo. If I was hoping for a dull moment on this Spring Break, I may have to wait a while. Happy breaking!
Hahaha...sounds like a very interesting week already!