my trip to Walmart this evening did wonders for my self-esteem. Word to the wise: "if your breasts are the size of VW Beetles but extremely disproportionate to one another, don't hold a bra up to your chest in the aisle!"
(I'm leaving out that my dear friend corrected me because I spelled it "isle," but whatever.)
I've been noticing thanks to some sites that post hidden photos taken of Wal-mart patrons that some people really have no shame! I am embarrassed at myself if I can't zip up my pants because I polished off a pan of brownies by myself, and I wouldn't dream of wearing those same pants in public with a tiny half shirt that lets all the chub the pants couldn't contain come right on out into public view. I mean, really? But before I even got in the door last night, I saw that woman sauntering into the store like she was the queen bee. I don't want to even see fit women at the gym parading in sports bras because I feel obligated to suck in my belly and wish triplets on them. But at least at the gym it's in context. Walmart may be a cheap place to buy groceries, even pick up a fishing license, but people! It is NOT the place to flaunt your fleshy bits! Keep it under wraps so we can buy our groceries without losing our lunches.
I love the blog and look forward to your future posts :)