Saturday, February 22, 2014

Some days motherhood is just stupid

If you think my title is harsh, I can only assume you aren't a mom. The rest of you who are still reading know what it's like to have your favorite chochki shattered by little hands, have an audience while you're trying to use the bathroom, or bolt out of bed at 3 am to the sounds of a child vomiting. Most likely, as a mom, you know all of the above...maybe even on the same day. See? Stupid!
Currently I have raw fingertips where I have been picking superglue off of them for two days. The reason? Kid 2's hair got tangled in a plate hanger on the wall (I don't know how or why) and the keepsake plate with kid 1's footprint became a victim of the tile floor. Now as I cleaned up the pieces, 1 was prepared to help me throw them away until he realized it was his rather than #3's plate. So we saved every last shard, and after three tubes of glue and two days of work, his footprint is recognizable once again. Mostly. Stupid! My sweet friend suggested I borrow a kid that age and remake the plate with the imposter print. No one would be the wiser. She's a genius, and this is why we're friends! 
Not only have I spent my weekend gluing my fingers together, but I'm going to be constipated until the last kid goes to college. Yes, I went there. Why? Because The second I walk into a bathroom and shut the door, a kid pops in to see what I'm doing. Apparently children have it in their heads that moms are having secret bathroom parties, and they are missing all the fun. Why doesn't anyone ever barge in on daddies on toilets? We recently replaced a broken bathroom lock, and I had high hopes of going alone for a change and perhaps completing well, you know. HAD high hopes. I used to avoid using that bathroom because I never knew when my son would walk in with half the boys in the neighborhood to ask if they could have a lemonade stand. The new lock is no help whatsoever though. The two oldest kids try to beat each other's lock-picking records all the time. The girl is up to 2 seconds flat with her thumbnail. Indoor locks-stupid! A keyed deadbolt would have been a better choice. 
I could go on about the idiotic things mothers have to deal with, but I won't because one of my angels projectile spit toothpaste on the mirror and faucet handles, and my services are needed. 
I want to leave this on a sweet note rather than a complaint though. As moms also know, our job is a blessed gift, and we wouldn't wish it away for any amount of sleep or laundry-free days. I think. I'm envisioning what a week of 8 hours sleep, no tiny socks to match, and no one screaming "Mo-om" with that whiny tattle tale voice that makes us want to run away...sorry I digress. There is nothing more beautiful than the sound of your sweet baby's voice at any age saying "Mom, you're the best mom I ever had. I love you!" We endure all the stupid stuff for unbeatable moments of pure heaven. The good time refuel us for the next round of broken plates, blue spit all over the sink, and the next go round of bathroom humiliation. Happy parenting!

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

You Call It a Soapbox, I Call It a PSA

We all see the pics of people who go out in public (Walmart!) in totally unpresentable attire. I see it myself way too often. Sequined, backless night club top paired with workout leggings sporting the Nike logo on the calf, accessorized with house shoes. Yep. I saw that. I've seen a girl wearing what appeared to be her baby sister's hand-me-down t shirt and cut off shorts with a pregnant belly in between the two. Luckily, her boyfriend's hands covered the majority of her bare flesh as they walked through the store looking like a set of conjoined twins.  Some people seem to lack the shame that the rest of us have about our appearances.
Yet, there are many of you who are shocked by your fellow humans' audacity who are committing an equally, albeit immensely more subtle faux pas on a daily basis. Some of you are allowing your nose hair to protrude beyond the boundaries of the nostril. Quit it! Nose hairs are booger catchers, friends, and when you dangle your booger traps millimeters from your upper lip, along with the remnants of their catch of the day, you might as well eat the slimy little suckers. And when you hug or kiss another person, you are transferring your little green friends to the next person. It's gross! Don't share your snot!!!
I get it that hair grows all the time, and an occasional stray sneaks out no matter how well groomed you are. However, if your mustache originates from the nasal passage, you are painfully out of control. Some of you know it and just don't care. That's what I don't understand. Would you knowingly leave green stuff between your teeth or walk around with your zipper down? No? Well no one wants to see what's coming out of your beak either. Buy yourself a $3 pair of nose hair scissors and keep the snot follicles out of sight!
Thank you. That is all.