Monday, December 27, 2010

Sugar Detox is Just as Fun as it Sounds!

The week before Christmas I was doing great at eating healthy and avoiding all sugar and processed carbs. And then my husband brought home a goody basket from his employees filled with homemade candies and cookies. The white fudge proved to be more than I could withstand, and I at it. I tried to get my husband to fire the one who made it on principle because nothing before that had tempted me enough to consume, but he won't. Something about protocol for termination doesn't include giving yummy treats. Whatever. Since then, I have been on a steady diet of fudge, divinity, and cookies with an occasional slice of pie-a-la-real whip cream. My bloodstream couldn't possible have room for any nutrients in it at this point, and it's clearly time to detoxify my system before I become an unstoppable sugar fiend. I could live with being addicted to the sweet stuff if my clothes would also fit in the meantime, but there is definitely a cause and effect relationship between the amount of fudge I eat and the size of my butt. Not exactly rocket science, but it's a fact that's easy to deny until it smacks you in the too tight jeans. And so today begins my renewed commitment to eating right and working out so at the end of January I can wear my new formal gown without worrying about it fitting too snug. For you that means my blog during the next month may be littered with irritated rants as I fight the urge to ingest bad carbs and scream at the people who live closest to me. (Pray for them!)

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