Tuesday, March 8, 2011

When I grow up...

I have reached a pivotal moment in my life where I finally know what I want to be when I grow up. It's the thing my mother and grandmother told me as a kid I was destined to be but I refused to consider. So much so in fact that I spend 6 years in college being mediocre at something I thought I really wanted to do, even though it kicked my hiney. (hence the 6 years for only one degree!) Also, the entire time I was determined to get that degree and stay the course, I questioned constantly if that was something I really wanted to do as a career. I still feel the same about my degree 9 years after graduating as I did in the middle of school, so I think that means I didn't follow my passion.
I want to write. I would love to be a published author and get paid to sit in front of this computer and pour my stories into beautiful masterpieces that will entertain people. And while I type away, my income would pay for some sweet, efficient lady to take over my household duties while the kids are in school, and as soon as it's time to pick them up, I would morph into super mom-someone not tired from mopping and ironing, someone not frustrated from a trip to the grocery store, and someone not wondering what to make for dinner. That part wouldn't be my job anymore! It's good to have dreams.
Then reality whacks me in the face. I have spent exactly NO time of my 30-something years cultivating my portfolio or working toward a tangible goal of writing professionally. Changing directions midstream with 3 young children and several bathrooms that depend on me to care for them seems impossible. On the other hand, when I was  younger woman, I didn't have as much to write about. Becoming a parent and walking through some raging storms of life have given me more inspiration. It's a catch 22. Perhaps by the time they're grown, the kids will have given me enough material for a novel! In the meantime, I'm thinking of reading my stories aloud to the dog as I scrub toilets.


  1. Follow your passion! I too got a degree in something I am good at, but don't LOVE doing. I think part of growing up is figuring out what that is. Now after all these years I refuse to pay money to get a degree in what I would LOVE to do...so instead I do what I am good at, at home....hoping to make enough money to stay at home....weird?! Anyway, start somewhere....with a totally sarcastic children's book....something...even if for an hour a day!!

  2. You would be an AWESOME writer! I am constantly entertained by your blogs, and I know you have lots more you could write about. What about starting a column in a newspaper somewhere with "mom stories"? Writing about daily life seemed to worked out in Marley and Me ;)

  3. Do it!! I love reading your blog!! You should write some short stories and send them in!! I would buy your books!
